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 Die Slammy Awards!!!
Undertaker Offline

Beiträge: 95

22.10.2006 13:01
Die Gewinner der Slammy Awards!!! Antworten

1986 Slammy Awards

December 1986
Baltimore, Maryland
Civic Center

Best Personality: Roddy Piper (winner)
Best Producer: Mona Flambe (winner)
Best Commentator: Gene Okerlund (winner)
Best Male Perfomance: Junkyard Dog (winner)

1987 Slammy Awards

December 16, 1987
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Caeser's Palace

Best Performance by an Animal presented by Gene Okerlund: George Steele (winner)

• Frankie
• Damian
• Matilda

Woman of the Year presented by Honkytonk Man and Jimmy Hart: Miss Elizabeth (winner)

• Sherri Martel
• Fabulous Moolah
• Dolly Parton
• Yoko Ono

Best Ring Apparel presented by Jim Duggan: Harley Race (winner)

• Demolition Axe and Smash
• Randy Savage
• Honky Tonk Man
• The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid)

Hulk Hogan Real American Award presented by Hulk Hogan: Billy Graham

Jesse "The Body" Award: Rick Rude (winner)

• Butch Reed
• Ultimate Warrior
• Hercules
• Sherri Martel

Greatest Hit presented by Jesse Ventura and Gene Okerlund: Jim Duggan (winner)

•Andre the Giant
• Honky Tonk Man
• Bam Bam Bigelow
• Rick Martel and Tito Santana

Manager of the Year presented by Gorilla Monsoon: (No winner)

• Bobby Heenan
• Mr. Fuji
• Jimmy Hart
• Slick

Best Personal Hygiene presented by Jesse Ventura and Gene Okerlund: Nikolia Volkoff and Boris Zuhkov and Slick (winners)

• King Kong Bundy
• Sika
• Hillbilly Jim
• George Steele

Best Vocal Performance presented by Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth: Jim Duggan (winner)

• Junkyard Dog
• One Man Gang
• Jimmy Hart
• George Steele

Song of the Year presented by Jesse Ventura and Gene Okerlund: (No winner - envelope eaten by Sika)

• Vince McMahon
• Koko B. Ware
• Honky Tonk Man
• Jimmy Hart

Best Group: One Man Gang (winner)

Humanitarian of the Year: Ted DiBiase (winner)

Best Head: Gene Okerlund and Bam Bam Bigelow (winners)

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Scholarship Award: Islanders Haku and Tama, Andre the Giant, Hercules, King Kong Bundy, and Harley Race.

1996 Slammy Awards

March 29, 1996
Anaheim, California
Anaheim Marriot

Best Buns presented by The Godwinns and Hillbilly Jim: Sunny (winner)

• Goldust
• Yokozuna
• Shawn Michaels
• Razor Ramon

Best Entrance presented by Steve Austin and Ted DiBiase: Shawn Michaels (winner)

• Bret Hart
• Diesel
• The Undertaker
• Goldust

Best Finisher presented by Bob Backlund and Scott Reskus: Bret Hart (winner)

• The Undertaker
• Diesel
• Ahmed Johnson
• Yokozuna

Crime of the Century presented by Jim Cornette and Clarence Mason: Vader (winner)

• Owen Hart
• Psycho Sid
• Diesel
• 1-2-3 Kid

New Sensation presented by Jim Davidson, Darlene Vogel, and Paula Trickey: Ahmed Johnson (winner)

• Isaac Yankem
• The Bodydonnas (Skip and Zip)
• Savio Vega
• Goldust

Biggest Mouth presented by Billionaire Ted: Jerry Lawler (winner)

• Dok Hendrix
• Jim Ross
• Jim Cornette
• Brother Love

Best Threads presented by Mr. TV Trivia and Fatale: Shawn Michaels (winner)

• Ted DiBiase
• Goldust
• Mr. Perfect
• Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Worst Dresser presented by Mr. TV Trivia and Fatale: Jim Cornette (winner)

• Harvey Wippleman
• Henry Godwinn
• Brother Love
• Dok Hendrix

Greatest Hit presented by Goldust and Marlena: Undertaker (winner)

• Bret Hart
• Jeff Jarrett
• Yokozuna
• Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Manager of the Year presented by Rob Perth: Sunny (winner)

• Paul Bearer
• Mr. Fuji
• Ted DiBiase
• Jim Cornette

Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Vince McMahon: Fred Blassie.

Most Embarrassing Moment presented by The Bushwhackers: Jerry Lawler (winner)

• Ted DiBiase
• Bodydonna Skip
• 1-2-3 Kid
• Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Squared Circle Shocker presented by Hunter Hearst Helmsley: Shawn Michaels (winner)

• Goldust
• Barry Horowitz
• 1-2-3 Kid
• Bob Backlund

Master of Mat Mechanics presented by Mr. Perfect: Shawn Michaels (winner)

• Davey Smith
• Bret Hart
• Owen Hart
• 1-2-3 Kid

Best Music Video presented by Dok Hendrix: Bret Hart (winner)

• Shawn Michaels
• Sunny
• Ultimate Warrior
• Jeff Jarrett

Match of the Year presented by Jim Ross: Michaels vs. Ramon from SummerSlam '95 (winner)

• Taylor vs. Bigelow from WrestleMania XI
• Finkle vs. Wippleman from RAW
• Bret Hart vs. Diesel from Survivor Series '95
• Godwinn vs. Helmsley from IYH #5

Hall of Fame presented by Gorilla Monsoon: Bret Hart (winner)

• Yokozuna
• Diesel
• Bob Backlund
• The Undertaker

Leader of the New Generation presented by Roddy Piper: Shawn Michaels (winner)

• The Undertaker
• Bret Hart
• Razor Ramon
• Diesel

1997 Slammy Awards

March 21, 1997
Chicago, Illinois
Weston Hotel

New Sensation presented by Ahmed Johnson: Rocky Maivia (winner)

• Steve Austin
• Mankind
• Mark Mero
• Flash Funk

Best Dressed presented by Honky Tonk Man and Cindy Margolis: Sable (winner)

• Shawn Michaels
• Marlena
• Flash Funk
• The Undertaker

Best Tattoo presented by Adam and George: The Undertaker (winner)

• Crush
• Shawn Michaels
• Tommy Lee
• Drew Barrymore

Match of the Year presented by Jim Ross: Michaels vs. Hart from WrestleMania XII (winner)

• Bret Hart vs. Austin from Survivor Series '96
• Austin vs. Vega from IYH #8
• Undertaker vs. Mankind from SummerSlam '96
• Michaels vs. Mankind from IYH #10

Best Hair presented by Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal): Hunter Hearst Helmsley (winner)

• Mankind
• Steve Austin
• Bret Hart
• Shawn Michaels

Loose Screw presented by Sunny and Lou Albano: Mankind (winner)

• Sycho Sid
• Steve Austin
• Bob Backlund
• Kosmo Kramer

Best Bow Tie presented by Owen Hart: (No winner. Hart steals Slammy):

• Clarence Mason
• Bob Backlund
•Steve Uerkel

Best Entrance Music presented by Dok Hendrix and John McNaley: The Undertaker (winner)

• Jesse Jammes
• Faarooq
• Flash Funk
• Sunny

Best Finisher presented by Brian Pillman: Shawn Michaels (winner)

• Mark Mero
• Sycho Sid
• Steve Austin
• Bret Hart

Best Couple presented by Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler: Goldust and Marlena (winners)

• Mark Mero and Sable
• Chyna and Hunter Hearst Helmsley
• The Clintons
• Seigfreid and Roy

Freedom of Speech presented by Bob Backlund and Mankow: Steve Austin (winner)

• Jerry Lawler
• Paul E. Dangerously
• Faarooq
• Howard Stern

Star of the Highest Magnitude presented by Walter Payton: The Undertaker (winner)

• Steve Austin
• Bret Hart
• Sycho Sid
• Shawn Michaels

Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Gorilla Monsoon and Sycho Sid: Arnold Skaaland

Miss Slammy presented by Todd Petingill: Sable (winner)

• Sunny
• Marlena
• Chyna
• The Funkettes

Rob van Dam Offline

Beiträge: 49

22.10.2006 19:01
#2 RE: Die Gewinner der Slammy Awards!!! Antworten

Cool! Die kannte ich noch gar nicht. Machen wir die dann selber???? Wird das dann so z.B. zwischen den Admins besprochen?

Always think about that:
Don't hate the player, hate game!

Undertaker Offline

Beiträge: 95

22.10.2006 21:17
#3 RE: Die Gewinner der Slammy Awards!!! Antworten

Wir können dies wenn das so erwünscht es dies gerne Einführen, zu jedem Monat oder so kann man dies ja gerne machen!!!
Werden dann alles mit den Admins und denn GMs besprechen, wer dafür in Frage kommt!!!

Rob van Dam Offline

Beiträge: 49

23.10.2006 12:05
#4 RE: Die Gewinner der Slammy Awards!!! Antworten

Jo fänd ich auf alle Fälle ne coole Idee.

Always think about that:
Don't hate the player, hate game!


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